Booking Terms & Conditions - Piperdan
These terms and conditions are deemed to be incorporated in and form part of the Contract between the Hirer and Piperdan.
Fees and Payments:
“the hirer” means the party making the booking
“the entertainer” means Piperdan (or where the terms of these Booking Terms & Conditions so permit any piper in substitution therefor).
1. Booking Deposit:
To confirm a booking, the” hirer” is required to pay a non-refundable £50.00 deposit to the entertainer, towards the total fees and outlays agreed between the parties for any booking. Further no booking will be confirmed unless and until the Hirer confirms that they accept that these Terms and Conditions form part of the contract between the Hirer and the entertainer.
All payments will be set out and agreed in advance of any booking; any deviation from the original agreement between the parties shall entitle the entertainer where appropriate to charge additional costs. These additional costs will however be agreed in advance between both parties in writing.
2. Balance Payment:
The balance of any fees and outlays payable in respect of any engagement shall be paid by way of cleared funds at least 14 clear days before the event takes place, unless otherwise agreed by the entertainer in writing (hereinafter referred to as “the payment deadline”).
If the” hirer” fails to pay this balance by the payment deadline or if the payment is so made but subsequently declined or payment cancelled or recalled by the hirer’s bank, the “entertainer” has the right to cancel this booking. The “entertainer” agrees to communicate this decision in writing to the “hirer”. Should the “entertainer” cancel the booking for the foregoing reason the full cancellation fees as set out below will also apply.
3. Cancellation:
Once a booking has been made and accepted, then, either party may cancel this contract within a cooling off period of fourteen days beginning said cooling off period on the day which follows immediately after the day on which both parties agreed the contract (hereinafter referred to as “the cooling off period”). For the avoidance of doubt the cooling-off period begins the day after the Hirer enters a contract with the entertainer - verbal or otherwise. If the Hirer asks for services to be provided during the cooling-off period, the entertainer will be entitled to keep what is necessary to cover the cost of services provided up until the date the Hirer cancelled the contract. For the avoidance of doubt the term “services” shall include any costs which the entertainer reasonably has to enter into to enable him to fulfil the terms of the Booking, including where relevant the booking of transportation and/or accommodation costs.
Beyond the cooling off period, (and subject to Clause 2 above entitling the entertainer to cancel the booking in the event that the balance payment has not been made within the time limit specificed), the “entertainer” may only cancel an agreement due to illness, or Force Majeure, which is any reason beyond the entertainer’s control. In any such event the “entertainer” shall inform the hirer as soon as they become aware.The “entertainer” will endeavour to offer the “hirer” an alternative piper, and will make all reasonable efforts to provide a suitable replacement. Should a suitable replacement not be found or the suggested replacement is not acceptable to the “hirer”, the “entertainer” agrees to refund the hirer the deposit and any further fees already paid by the hirer.
The “hirer” outwith the Cooling Off period shall have the right to cancel a booking ; however the following charges will apply...
Within 28 days of event date - 100% of the agreed fee
Within 29-56 days of event date - 75% of the agreed fee
Within 57-84 days of event date - 50% of the agreed fee
Over 84 days to event date - 25% of agreed fee
4. Alterations to the booking details:
The “entertainer” will play during the time-slot specified. If the timing of an event is altered or delayed on the day of the event, or without prior agreement, the entertainer is not obliged to play beyond the originally agreed finish time.
The time and venue at which the entertainer is to play, and the specific uniform requirements of the entertainer must be confirmed in writing by the Hirer at the time of booking.
If the Hirer wishes to change the venue, and/or dates and timesin advance of the performance, the Hirer must communicate this in writing to the entertainer. If the entertainer is unavailable to attend the venue, and/or at the proposed date and times, or the venue is deemed unsuitable by the “entertainer” (acting reasonably), the booking will be cancelled and the cancellation terms set out above will apply.
The “entertainer” agrees to transfer any monies paid in advance only if the new venue, date and time can be accommodated by the “entertainer”.
5. Performer requirements:
Where the “entertainer” is expected to wear stage clothing, the hirer must provide adequate dressing room facilities; due to the nature of the entertainers equipment and stage clothing toilets are an unacceptable dressing room.
6. Setup requirements:
The entertainer will usually arrive at the venue, 60 minutes before the stated performance start, to tune up and liaise with staff on site. An additional fee may apply if an earlier setup time is required. Please note - it is the responsibility of the “hirer” to provide the entertainer with acceptable setup arrangements at least 28 days prior to the performance date.
7. Contact Details:
Both parties agree for their contact details to be shared with the other in order that they can liaise directly with one another in the run up to the event.